About Commetta

(Com) Communication (Metta) Compassion

Operating in English, French and Spanish with teammates spanning the globe, the Commetta Collective is a hub for some of the best freelance inbound marketing experts striving to make an impact by adding glow worthy content to the media and empowering the changemaking entrepreneurs, SMB's and community organizations in our local economies.

In Spanish, 'cometa' means comet. It’s no coincidence that we’re so connected to the metaphor of reaching the sky and stars. We believe your business can be a lasting phenomenon, that every company has a message and we are honored to help yours shine its light.

“Commetta is culture and community. Commetta is content, compassion and communications. It's an idea. Kind of like seeing a comet, maybe you're making a wish and hopeful, feeling a bit dazzled and awed. It's a change!”
- Natalie Riviere, CEO

Media Mentions

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